Vancouver International Airport (YVR)

Vancouver International Airport is more than an exceptional airport; it is one of BC’s strongest brands. Hyphen has helped contribute to the YVR brand story through the creation of a wide range of creative materials. Our work with YVR began with the production of an employee training video in advance of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics. This was followed by the creation of a commemorative book and video that chronicled YVR’s Olympic story: Gold Medal Moments. 

In addition to assignment video and still photography to capture key YVR milestone events, Hyphen has also produced speaker support materials for YVR’s annual address at the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade.  Hyphen’s roles for GVBOT include concept and video production, as well as stage design and show production, evolving the presentation from a simple motion graphics Powerpoint display to a multifaceted audio-visual experience.  The 2017 presentation earned YVR the Airports Council International - North America 2017 Marketing and Communications Conference Award for Best Public Relations Campaign for Large Airports.

Greater Vancouver Board of Trade
Keynote Presentation

‘Beyond Everyday’
Thematic Video

‘Get Your Game Face On’
Training Video



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